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Baroness Canada

vietnamese coffee

Vietnamese Coffee Bubble Tea? Here’s How We Do It!

What if we told you that you could have delicious, authentic Vietnamese coffee without having to book a plane ticket and hop on over to South East Asia?

That’s right. What was once exclusive to a specific region is now available all over the world. In fact, you could even order online and come to visit us and get your very own Vietnamese coffee or Vietnamese iced coffee at Baroness Bubble Tea!

We are proud to share the story of this tasty treat of a beverage and are so pleased to have it be an integral part of our story.

Vietnamese coffee is a primary example of how the simple things in life are always the best. 

With just a few basic ingredients, this drink can give you an added pep in your step and a sip of sweetness that will add the perfect level of delight to your day!

So, you might be wondering what Vietnamese coffee is, where it comes from, and how is Baroness Bubble Tea Canada putting a a new twist on an old classic? 

Today, we’re going to answer all these questions and more!

Without further delay, let’s get into it!

What is Vietnamese Coffee?

Vietnamese coffee, also known as Vietnamese iced coffee or ‘cà phê sữa,’ is a traditional coffee recipe from, you guessed it, Vietnam!

In its simplest form, cà phê sữa is made using a medium to coarse ground dark roast Vietnamese-grown coffee using a small metal filter known as a ‘phin cà phê.’  

Upon adding hot water, the drip filter slowly releases hot coffee into a cup.

The finished cup of hot coffee is then quickly poured over a glass of ice cubes, and voila! There you have it—Vietnamese coffee.

One of the most popular ways to drink Vietnamese coffee is enjoyed with sweetened condensed milk. Typically, this is done by adding two or three tablespoons of sweetened condensed milk into the cup before the drip filter process.

Some prefer to add even more sweetened condensed milk. Ultimately, it comes down to personal preference!

The History of Coffee in Vietnam

vietnamese coffee milk tea

There are many different fruits and vegetables grown in Vietnam, including banana, coconut and citrus trees. 

These plantations are in the Mekong River Delta and southern terrace regions. On the other hand, coffee and tea are plantations are in Vietnam’s central, northern and western highlands.

However, while you can find coffee plantations in various highlands regions, the Western highland province accounts for 85% of Vietnam’s total coffee production.

The first coffee trees were introduced to Vietnam in 1857 by French missionaries. However, the first coffee plantations weren’t set up until a whopping 31 years later, in 1888, in the Ninh Bình and Quảng Bình provinces.

According to some sources, Vietnam only held a market share of 1.2% of the world coffee market back in 1989. 

However, 10 years later, Vietnam broke out as one of the world’s largest coffee producers. This unique growth story had a significant impact on the country’s economy and the greater global coffee industry.

However, this growth was both a blessing and a curse. Many believe it was a contributing factor to the price crisis of 2001

This price collapse substantially impacted 25 million coffee-producing households’ livelihoods in over 50 developing countries, including Vietnam.

In some reports, farmers even had to sell their possessions to satisfy debt collectors.

However, despite this setback, Vietnam remains the second-largest coffee-producing country in the world, behind Brazil. In fact, in 2016 alone, the country produced 1,650,000 metric tons of coffee.

That’s a lot of Vietnamese coffee!

How to Make Vietnamese Coffee

Now that we’ve provided some context surrounding the historical and present-day significance of coffee in Vietnam , you might be thinking, “so, how do I make Vietnamese coffee?”

There are so many reasons to love Vietnamese iced coffee, and one of them is how simple and straightforward it is to make!

Below, we’ll provide a basic coffee recipe so that you can make it for yourself in the comfort of your home.

Let’s get started!

Here's What You'll Need:

  • 3 tablespoons of Vietnamese roast coffee grounds – the Trung Nguyen and Café du Monde blends are among the most popularly used.
  • 1-3 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk – it could be more or less, depending on your personal preference.
  • 6-8 ounces of water close to boiling point – this amount will depend on your desired coffee strength.
  • Vietnamese coffee filter

Here's How to Make Vietnamese Coffee:

  1. Measure 3 tablespoons of ground coffee and evenly distribute it into the filter. DO NOT shake the filters or compress the coffee, or the grounds will drop into the Vietnamese coffee filter holes and plug them up.
  2. Pour 1-3 tablespoons sweetened condensed milk into your coffee mug or cup.
  3. Measure out the 6-8 ounces of near-boiling water. We would recommend using 8 ounces if you’re not particularly a fan of super-strong coffee.
  4. Pour 2 tablespoons of hot water into the filter and wait for 5 seconds.
  5. Next, press on the filter gently to compress the coffee. This will help slow the drip rate and make a more flavourful coffee.
  6. Slowly pour the remaining hot water into the filter. At this point, the coffee will start dripping into the cup or glass.
  7. Wait roughly 5 minutes for the coffee to finish drip brewing.
  8. Remove the filter.
  9. Stir to mix the sweetened condensed milk with the freshly brewed coffee.
  10. Enjoy!

Whether you enjoy this drink hot or cold is up to you. If you’d prefer to have Vietnamese iced coffee, you can pour the sweetened condensed milk into the bottom of a glass of ice cubes and pour the brewed coffee on top.

Vietnamese Coffee Bubble Tea? Visit Us & Try For Yourself!

vietnamese coffee bubble tea

Quickly taking the world by storm, it’s no reason why so many people love Vietnamese coffee. It’s a tasty, easy-to-make beverage that provides a delightful caffeine boost while also supplying a hint of sweetness. 

But what if we told you this old classic cam be made even better?

At Baroness Bubble Tea, we pride ourselves on crafting drinks that don’t just tell a story but encourages others to share theirs. Vietnamese coffee has such a storied history that we wanted to build upon it by including our chapter.

Using gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan-friendly oat milk in our drinks is one way we’re making Vietnamese coffee special. Including tapioca pearls that we make fresh every morning is another.  Vietnamese coffee bubble tea might not be as well known as the classic drink, but we can personally attest to it’s deliciousness! 

The additions of creamy oat milk and smoky, brown sugar braised pearls are what make this bubble tea flavor stand out! 

If you’ve never had it before but would like to give Vietnamese coffee bubble tea a try, we would be honoured to cater to your first experience. We encourage you to come visit us at Baroness Bubble Tea at 2790 W Broadway, Vancouver, and try some out for yourself!

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